Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How To Get Back Into The Studio!

Okay, I am coming out of the artistic shadows and confessing.

As I mentioned in my profile, Life became very "big", for lack of a better word--in the last couple of years. I was too fixated on making perfect art then just painting for the love of it. I gave myself a sabbatical of sorts.

Now, I am desperate to paint again! Which is a good thing. But I am so worried that somehow I have forgotten everything. That I will lift my brush and stand there baffled! I am even putting off cleaning my studio out so I can reclaim it as a studio! Arrrgh.

Has anyone gone through this or something remotely like it? How does one BEGIN AGAIN?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just came across your profile on the artscuttlebutt site and stopped by to read your blog.

I go through cycles of work myself, and the hardest part of it all is making myself go back to the studio after a break. I've found that starting simple is the easiest way - it keeps you away from that "everything is a masterpiece" mentality that can pervade your thoughts as you stand in front of that blank canvas. For me, starting out simple is as easy as gesture drawing. And it's often not done in the studio. I take a sketchbook out and walk around, drawing very quick and simple sketches of things around me. It gets me thinking visually again and gets my arm and hand motions back in shape.

I'd also clean the studio - that works for me a lot. It gets me energized about my space again and makes me want to start creating and mess it up again.

Just my two cents.